
Hi!  I’m Sarah, and these are my ramblings.  I’m a chemical engineer by day (I work at a plant that makes Polyphenylene sulfide) and an avid photographer, runner, reader, hiker, camper, backpacker, traveler, gardener, bird-watcher, and seashell-collector by night. I’m a lover of Christ 24/7/365.25 and a proud member of the fightin’ Texas Aggie class of 2007 (though I graduated in 2008).

My husband, Bryan, is the best travel and life partner a girl could ask for.  We live in the middle of nowhere with our three pets (our Vizsla, Tibby, our cat, Eli, and our bird Balki).  We travel to keep ourselves sane and because we love learning and exploring.  We enjoy taking advantage of our geographical location by going on weekend camping, backpacking, and hiking trips in both New Mexico and Oklahoma.  We also have a long list of places outside of the U.S. that we’d like to see, and we try to take at least one trip outside of the U.S. each year.  I have a life-time goal to visit every single national park in the United States.  When I’m old and retired, I’d like to through-hike the Appalachian Trail.

For those who are interested, I maintain a Flickr page and an Instagram account.

“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8

One thought on “About

  1. Caroline Englestad says:

    HI Sarah,
    My name is Caroline Englestad and I am the coordinator of the Gallery at Midland Community Theatre in Midland Texas. I am looking for an artist who would like to do an exhibition in our Theatre Gallery from the end of January 2017 until the middle of March 2017. I’m specifically looking for someone who has a collection of photography of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The reason for this is that our opening show for the 2017 Season is ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ , the opening show of the season is always very popular and we expect to welcome around 10,000 patrons through our doors during the run. I’m not sure if you exhibit your beautiful work or not , and I am wondering if you live in Texas and would consider being our featured gallery artist for the opening show. You can call me on 432-631-9931 and I can give you many more details about the theatre and the gallery in general. You can also visit the Gallery Facebook page ‘MCT Gallery’ and the MCT website at http://www.mctmidland.org.
    Thank you Sarah , I look forward to hearing from you. Caroline

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